The Direction of Cloud Services and Computing

By offering computing services (such as servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence) over the Internet, cloud computing enables quick innovation, elastic resource allocation, and scale economies. With cloud services, you normally only pay for BIM Solution what you use, which lowers operating costs, improves infrastructure performance, and gives you the flexibility to adapt how you utilize the services as your company’s needs change. Cloud computing has seven advantages over traditional computing, including low cost (pay-as-you-go), quick deployment, high efficiency (on-demand buy-as-you-go purchase), good expansion (on-demand elastic expansion at any time), high performance (on-demand purchase of the required computing power, no performance bottlenecks), high reliability (to ensure business continuity), high security (professional security protection), and other seven advantages. Uncompleted data indicates that 100% of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as individuals, use cloud mailboxes and cloud email services, and that 86% of the top 500 global companies have moved their managed email services to the cloud.

Although cloud computing and big data have many benefits, they also pose CDE solution a new set of security and privacy concerns. In terms of mail services, emails contain a significant amount of personal privacy, personal confidential information, and confidential business information. These emails not only expose these types of data to the security risk of explicit transmission, but also to the threat of explicit disclosure of sensitive data stored in the cloud. In the era of self-managed mail servers, mail servers were typically located in the unit intranet, with a variety of network access control and security controls to ensure the security of the mail content in the mail server storage, but now the mail content is stored in the cloud, stored in a non-unit of their own management of the server. Although the cloud mail service providers have a very perfect security control, it is still not in the user’s own control. Another pressing issue is how to prevent unlawfully stealing and illegally leaking email material.

In other words, people require cloud computing and cloud services, but in order to protect user privacy and corporate secrets, people cannot solely rely on cloud services; instead, they must store some private and mission-critical data locally on their own computers and perform some crucial data operations there as well. The most ideal solution is “cloud-ground integration, collaborative work," which is a fusion of cloud services and client software applications, and is the direction of the future development of cloud computing. Only in this way can we effectively use the powerful cloud computing capabilities and cloud services to achieve previously unattainable functions, but also have local client software to help people locally complete key operations and key data management.

In order to ensure the confidentiality of data, the authenticity of the identity of the data producer and user, the integrity of the data, and the non-repudiation of the data production behavior and use behavior, Secret Technology is committed to using PKI technology to realize the encryption and digital signature of Internet information. This can’t be accomplished by client software alone; rather, it needs cloud computing and cloud services since it demands a lot of computational power and a wide range of systems. As a result, Secret Technology created a cloud cryptographic infrastructure to enable the client software it created to do tasks that can only be completed by a single client software.

The cloud cryptography infrastructure is a key component of the encrypted email client software developed by Secret Technology, known as Secret App. It enables users to quickly convert insecure plaintext email services into encrypted email services and fully automate the encryption and digital signing of extremely complex email communications on the user’s end, perfectly realizing zero-threshold and completely senseless email encryption and digital signing. Threshold and utterly pointless, fully putting the significant complexity of PKI cryptographic technology in use for application popularization! Our solution realizes automated certificate application and automated deployment, so users only need to concentrate on using the client software to serve their business. Users do not need to learn and train on what an email certificate is, nor do they need to apply for an email certificate from CA, nor do they need to deploy the certificate after getting it.

I Sign Document App, a digital signature tool created by Secret Technology, also relies on the cloud cryptography infrastructure, the cloud and the ground as a whole, so users do not have to upload the document to be signed to the cloud, truly protecting user privacy, and the extremely complex digital signature and encryption of electronic documents in the user side of the complete digital signature and encryption services completely automated to perfectly reali Completely pointless, actually popularize and apply the high and complicated PKI cryptographic technology! Our solution realizes automated certificate application and automated deployment, so users only need to concentrate on using the software system to serve their business. Users do not need to learn or receive training on what a document signing certificate is, nor do they need to apply for a document signing certificate from CA or deploy the certificate once they receive it.

In other words, Secret Technology’s ability to provide completely automatic email encryption and document signing depends not just on strong cloud computing services but also on client software. There must be a client at the user terminal to handle the user’s own important data and to realize the encryption of vital data before it can be sent to the cloud. Cloud computing alone is not sufficient to ensure the security of user data in the cloud. Cloud computing and cloud services are headed in this direction, and Secret Technology is a pioneer.

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